Vatican City National Anthem

Vatican City National Anthem

Roma immortale di Martiri e di Santi,
Roma immortale accogli i nostri canti:
Gloria nei cieli a Dio nostro Signore,
Pace ai Fedeli, di Cristo nell’amore.

A Te veniamo, Angelico Pastore,
In Te vediamo il mite Redentore,
Erede Santo di vera e santa Fede;
Conforto e vanto a chi combatte e crede,

Non prevarranno la forza ed il terrore,
Ma regneranno la Verità, l’Amore.

Salve Salve Roma, patria eterna di memorie
Cantano le tue glorie, mille palme e mille altari
Roma degli Apostoli, Madre guida dei redenti
Roma luce delle genti, il mondo spera te!

Salve Salve Roma la tue luce non tramonta
Vince l’odio e l’onta lo splendor di tua beltà
Roma degli Apostoli, madre guida dei redenti
Roma luce delle genti, il mondo spera te!

English Translation

O happy Rome – O noble Rome
You are the seat of Peter, who shed his blood in Rome,
Peter, to whom the keys of the kingdom of heaven were given.
Pontiff, You are the successor of Peter;

Pontiff, You are the teacher, you confirm your brethren;
Pontiff, You who are the Servant of the servants of God,
and fisher of men, are the shepherd of the flock,
linking heaven and earth.

Pontiff, You are the vicar of Christ on earth,
a rock amidst the waves, You are a beacon in the darkness;
You are the defender of peace, You are the guardian of unity,
watchful defender of liberty; in You is the authority.

Sopranos, altos:
Pontiff, you are the unshakable rock, and on this rock
was built the Church of God.

Tenors, basses:
Pontiff, You are the vicar of Christ on earth,
a rock amidst the waves, You are a beacon in the darkness;
You are the defender of peace, You are the guardian of unity,
watchful defender of liberty; in You is the authority.


O happy Rome – O noble Rome.