10 Surprising Facts About The GDP of Ukraine: A Comprehensive Guide

GDP of Ukraine

10 Surprising Facts About The GDP of Ukraine: A Comprehensive Guide


Ukraine, a country in Eastern Europe, has a rich history and a diverse culture. Over the years, Ukraine’s economy has gone through various changes, and its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been a significant indicator of its economic growth.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore ten surprising facts about Ukraine’s GDP that shed light on its economic landscape and provide valuable insights for businesses and investors.

Fact 1: Ukraine’s GDP Growth Rate

Ukraine’s GDP Growth Rate Shows Resilience Amid Challenges
Despite facing challenges such as political instability and ongoing conflicts, Ukraine has shown resilience in its GDP growth rate.

In recent years, Ukraine’s GDP growth rate has been on a positive trajectory, demonstrating its ability to overcome obstacles and sustain economic progress.

Fact 2: Agriculture

Agriculture is a Key Contributor to Ukraine’s GDP
Agriculture plays a crucial role in Ukraine’s economy, contributing significantly to its GDP.

Ukraine has fertile soil and favorable climatic conditions, making it a major agricultural producer in the region.

Grain production, particularly wheat, and corn is a major contributor to Ukraine’s GDP, and the agricultural sector provides employment opportunities for millions of Ukrainians.

Fact 3: Industrial Production Drives Ukraine’s GDP

Industrial production is another key driver of Ukraine’s GDP. The country has a well-developed industrial sector, with a focus on sectors such as steel, chemicals, and machinery.

Ukraine has a strong export-oriented industrial base, with exports of manufactured goods contributing significantly to its GDP.

Fact 4: Services Sector

Services Sector is a Growing Contributor to Ukraine’s GDP
While agriculture and industry have traditionally been the main contributors to Ukraine’s GDP, the services sector is gradually gaining importance.

Services such as information technology, outsourcing, and tourism are experiencing growth, contributing to Ukraine’s GDP and creating employment opportunities for its skilled workforce.

Fact 5: Foreign Trade

Foreign Trade Plays a Vital Role in Ukraine’s Economy
Foreign trade is a crucial component of Ukraine’s economy, contributing significantly to its GDP.

Ukraine has been actively engaged in global trade, with its exports and imports accounting for a significant share of its GDP.

However, Ukraine faces challenges such as trade restrictions and geopolitical tensions, which impact its foreign trade dynamics.

Fact 6: Investments

Investments are Vital for Ukraine’s Economic Growth
Investments, both domestic and foreign, play a vital role in driving Ukraine’s economic growth.

Investments in the infrastructure, manufacturing, and services sectors are essential for creating jobs, boosting productivity, and driving innovation.

Ukraine has been actively working to attract investments, offering incentives and creating a favorable business environment to foster economic growth.

Fact 7: Economic Reforms

Economic Reforms are Critical for Ukraine’s GDP Growth
Economic reforms play a crucial role in shaping Ukraine’s economic landscape and driving its GDP growth.

Structural reforms, such as improving the business environment, reducing corruption, and enhancing the rule of law, are essential for creating a conducive economic ecosystem for businesses and investors.

Ukraine has been implementing various economic reforms to improve its economic competitiveness and attract investment.

Fact 8: Remittances from Overseas

Workers Impact Ukraine’s GDP
Remittances from Ukrainians working abroad have a significant impact on Ukraine’s GDP.

Many Ukrainians work abroad, particularly in countries such as Poland, Russia, and the United States, and send remittances back home.

These remittances provide an important source of income for many Ukrainian households and contribute to the country’s GDP.

Fact 9: Energy Sector

Energy Sector is a Crucial Factor in Ukraine’s GDP
The energy sector is a crucial factor in Ukraine’s economy, impacting its GDP.

Ukraine has significant energy resources, including coal, natural gas, and renewable energy sources.

The energy sector plays a vital role in driving economic growth, creating jobs, and supporting various industries

Fact 10: Economic Challenges

Economic Challenges Pose Risks to Ukraine’s GDP Growth Ukraine faces economic challenges that pose risks to its GDP growth.

Factors such as political instability, corruption, and external economic shocks can impact Ukraine’s economic performance and GDP growth.

Addressing these challenges through policy reforms and strategic planning is essential to ensure sustained economic growth and stability.

 GDP of Ukraine

GDP nominal (2017) GDP growth rate (2017)



  • Nominal (current) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Ukraine is $112,154,185,121 (USD) as of 2017.
  • Real GDP (constant, inflation adjusted) of Ukraine reached $127,296,360,704 in 2017.
  • GDP Growth Rate in 2017 was 2.52%, representing a change of 3,134,482,585 US$ over 2016, when Real GDP was $124,161,878,119.
  • GDP per Capita in Ukraine (with a population of 44,487,709 people) was $2,861 in 2017, an increase of $85 from $2,777 in 2016; this represents a change of 3.0% in GDP per capita.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Ukraine

Year GDP Nominal
(Current USD)
GDP Real
(Inflation adj.)
GDP per capita Pop.
2017 $112,154,185,121 $127,296,360,704 2.52% $2,861 -0.51 % 44,487,709
2016 $93,355,993,629 $124,161,878,119 2.44% $2,777 -0.46 % 44,713,702
2015 $91,030,959,455 $121,203,311,659 -9.77% $2,698 -0.42 % 44,921,639
2014 $133,503,411,376 $134,331,493,523 -6.55% $2,978 -0.39 % 45,111,532
2013 $183,310,146,378 $143,750,945,108 -0.03% $3,174 -0.37 % 45,286,983
2012 $175,781,379,051 $143,789,379,505 0.24% $3,163 -0.36 % 45,453,806
2011 $163,159,671,670 $143,446,998,337 5.47% $3,144 -0.38 % 45,619,844
2010 $136,013,155,905 $136,013,155,905 3.83% $2,970 -0.39 % 45,792,090
2009 $117,113,410,001 $130,990,473,310 -14.76% $2,849 -0.41 % 45,970,941
2008 $179,816,790,705 $153,669,917,839 2.30% $3,329 -0.45 % 46,158,711
2007 $142,579,603,960 $150,209,057,916 7.59% $3,240 -0.52 % 46,366,353
2006 $107,647,920,792 $139,607,969,152 7.44% $2,995 -0.60 % 46,607,395
2005 $86,057,915,585 $129,940,521,196 3.00% $2,771 -0.69 % 46,890,772
2004 $64,819,702,952 $126,159,080,599 12.11% $2,672 -0.77 % 47,217,493
2003 $50,084,197,498 $112,532,763,748 9.52% $2,365 -0.83 % 47,582,461
2002 $42,351,593,887 $102,754,675,135 5.25% $2,142 -0.87 % 47,980,039
2001 $37,972,301,335 $97,629,794,849 9.20% $2,017 -0.89 % 48,401,656
2000 $31,261,527,363 $89,401,549,108 5.90% $1,831 -0.91 % 48,838,065
1999 $31,580,639,045 $84,420,726,259 -0.20% $1,713 -0.92 % 49,288,734
1998 $41,883,241,472 $84,589,906,069 -1.90% $1,700 -0.88 % 49,746,523
1997 $50,150,399,792 $86,228,242,666 -3.00% $1,718 -0.78 % 50,187,276
1996 $44,558,077,827 $88,895,095,557 -10.00% $1,757 -0.64 % 50,580,475
1995 $48,213,868,178 $98,772,328,368 -12.20% $1,940 -0.48 % 50,903,785
1994 $52,549,555,149 $112,496,957,168 -22.93% $2,199 -0.33 % 51,147,773

GDP of Ukraine

10. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) About the GDP of Ukraine

  1. What is GDP?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the economic performance of a country. It represents the total value of all goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific period, usually a year.

GDP is widely used as an indicator of the size and health of an economy.

2. How is Ukraine’s GDP calculated?

Ukraine’s GDP is calculated using the production approach, which estimates the value of goods and services produced by various sectors, including agriculture, industry, and services.

It also includes the contributions of foreign trade, investments, and remittances. The data used for calculating Ukraine’s GDP is sourced from various official statistical agencies, surveys, and other relevant sources.

3. What are the main sectors contributing to Ukraine’s GDP?

Ukraine’s GDP is driven by various sectors, including agriculture, industry, and services.

Agriculture plays a significant role in Ukraine’s economy, with crops such as grains, oilseeds, and vegetables being important exports.

The industrial sector, comprising of manufacturing, mining, and construction, also contributes significantly to Ukraine’s GDP.

Additionally, the services sector, including trade, transportation, and finance, plays a crucial role in the country’s economy.

4. What are the key factors influencing Ukraine’s GDP growth?

Several factors influence Ukraine’s GDP growth, including domestic and international economic conditions, government policies, investments, foreign trade, and geopolitical factors.

A stable political environment, economic reforms, a favorable business environment, and increased investments are key factors that can positively impact Ukraine’s GDP growth.

On the other hand, challenges such as political instability, corruption, and external economic shocks can pose risks to Ukraine’s GDP growth.

What are some surprising facts about Ukraine’s GDP?

There are several surprising facts about Ukraine’s GDP that provide interesting insights into its economic landscape. Some of these include:

  • Ukraine’s agricultural sector is a significant contributor to its GDP, with the country being known as the “breadbasket of Europe.”
  • Ukraine has a strong industrial base, with sectors such as steel, energy, and chemicals being significant contributors to its GDP.
  • Foreign trade plays a crucial role in Ukraine’s economy, with exports of goods and services contributing significantly to its GDP.
  • The energy sector, including coal, natural gas, and renewable energy sources, is a crucial factor in Ukraine’s GDP growth.
  • Despite facing challenges, Ukraine has shown resilience in its GDP growth rate and has been actively working on economic reforms to foster a favorable business environment and attract investments.
  1. 6. Why is understanding Ukraine’s GDP important?

Understanding Ukraine’s GDP is crucial for businesses, investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

It provides insights into the size, performance, and potential of Ukraine’s economy, helping businesses and investors make informed decisions regarding investments, market-entry, and expansion strategies.

Policymakers can also use GDP data to assess the effectiveness of economic policies and formulate strategies to promote economic growth and stability.

7. How can Ukraine unlock its economic potential and promote GDP growth?

To unlock its economic potential and promote GDP growth, Ukraine can focus on several areas, including:

  • Implementing structural reforms to improve the business environment, reduce corruption, and foster competition.
  • Investing in infrastructure development to support economic activities and facilitate trade.
  • Encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship to drive productivity and competitiveness.
  • Attracting foreign investments through incentives and favorable investment policies.
  • Diversifying the economy by promoting sectors with growth potential, such as technology, renewable energy, and tourism.
  • Addressing social and economic inequalities to promote inclusive growth and development.
  1. 8. What are the major challenges to Ukraine’s GDP growth?

Ukraine faces several challenges that can impact its GDP growth, including political instability, corruption, external economic shocks, and geopolitical factors.

These challenges can affect investor confidence, hinder economic reforms, and create uncertainties in the business environment, which may have adverse effects on Ukraine’s GDP growth.

9. How does foreign trade impact the GDP of Ukraine?

Foreign trade plays a crucial role in Ukraine’s economy, with exports of goods and services contributing significantly to its GDP.

Ukraine has a diverse export base, including agricultural products, metals, machinery, and chemicals.

However, changes in global demand, trade policies, and geopolitical factors can impact Ukraine’s foreign trade and consequently affect its GDP performance.

10. What are the prospects for Ukraine’s GDP growth?

Ukraine has significant potential for GDP growth, with opportunities in various sectors such as agriculture, industry, services, and technology.

The country has been implementing economic reforms to improve its business environment, attract foreign investments, and diversify its economy.

However, challenges remain, and sustained efforts in areas such as corruption, political stability, and economic reforms will be critical to unlocking Ukraine’s GDP growth potential.


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