Population of the Caribbean 2023

Population of Caribbean 2023

Population of Caribbean 2023: Facts and Figures

The Caribbean is a diverse region that boasts a rich culture and history, making it a popular tourist destination for people around the world. But beyond its vibrant lifestyle, the Caribbean is also home to nearly 44 million people as of November 7, 2022, according to the latest estimates by the United Nations.  We will delve into the numbers and facts that make up the Caribbean’s population.

Caribbean Population Size and Ranking

As of November 7, 2022, the population of the Caribbean stands at 43,995,925, which accounts for 0.56% of the world’s population. With a population density of 193 per Km2 (499 people per mi2) and a total land area of 225,996 Km2 (87,258 sq. miles), the region has a relatively high population density compared to other parts of the world.

In terms of ranking among subregions in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Caribbean is ranked third by population size. This is a testament to the region’s growth and development in recent years, which has seen an influx of people moving to the Caribbean for work or to settle down.

Caribbean Urbanization

The Caribbean has a high urbanization rate, with 74.1% of its population living in urban areas as of 2019. This translates to 32,250,967 people who reside in the cities and towns of the Caribbean. The region’s urbanization is a result of several factors, including the growth of industries such as tourism, finance, and manufacturing, which have led to the creation of job opportunities in urban areas.

Caribbean Median Age

The median age in the Caribbean is 31.9 years, indicating that the region has a relatively young population. This can be attributed to several factors, such as the high birth rate and the influx of young people moving to the Caribbean for work or to study.

Countries in the Caribbean

Country Population (2020)
Haiti 11,402,528
Cuba 11,326,616
Dominican Republic 10,847,910
Jamaica 2,961,167
Puerto Rico 2,860,853
Trinidad and Tobago 1,399,488
Guadeloupe 400,124
Bahamas 393,244
Martinique 375,265
Barbados 287,375
Saint Lucia 183,627
Curaçao 164,093
Grenada 112,523
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 110,940
Aruba 106,766
United States Virgin Islands 104,425
Antigua and Barbuda 97,929
Dominica 71,986
Cayman Islands 65,722
Saint Kitts and Nevis 53,199
Sint Maarten 42,876
Turks and Caicos Islands 38,717
Saint Martin 38,666
British Virgin Islands 30,231
Caribbean Netherlands 26,223
Anguilla 15,003
Saint Barthélemy 9,877
Montserrat 4,992

Caribbean Population in 2020 and it’s Historical

Year Population Annual %
Migrants (net) Median Age Fertility Rate Density (P/Km²) Urban
Pop. %
Urban Population Caribbean’s
Share of
World Pop.
World Population Caribbean
Rank within
Latin America and the Caribbean
2020 43,532,365 0.42 % 182,014 -190,300 31.9 2.20 193 74.1 % 32,250,967 0.6 % 7,794,798,739 3
2020 43,532,365 0.46 % 197,380 -190,266 30.5 2.29 193 74.1 % 32,250,967 0.6 % 7,794,798,739 3
2019 43,334,985 0.40 % 171,168 -190,266 30.5 2.29 192 73.6 % 31,873,722 0.6 % 7,713,468,100  
2018 43,163,817 0.38 % 161,383 -190,266 30.5 2.29 191 73.0 % 31,492,818 0.6 % 7,631,091,040 3
2017 43,002,434 0.41 % 174,922 -190,266 30.5 2.29 190 72.3 % 31,107,289 0.6 % 7,547,858,925 3
2016 42,827,512 0.48 % 205,216 -190,266 30.5 2.29 190 71.7 % 30,715,825 0.6 % 7,464,022,049 3
2015 42,622,296 0.67 % 280,987 -142,800 30.2 2.31 189 71.1 % 30,319,412 0.6 % 7,379,797,139 3
2010 41,217,360 0.73 % 294,306 -153,500 28.8 2.38 182 68.6 % 28,280,095 0.6 % 6,956,823,603 3
2005 39,745,829 0.85 % 328,752 -145,700 27.8 2.49 176 66 % 26,234,039 0.6 % 6,541,907,027 3
2000 38,102,071 1.05 % 387,971 -124,300 26.6 2.63 169 63.2 % 24,099,130 0.7 % 6,143,493,823 3
1995 36,162,215 1.21 % 420,810 -118,100 25.1 2.80 160 61.5 % 22,245,806 0.7 % 5,744,212,979 3
1990 34,058,163 1.4 % 456,608 -122,200 23.8 3.11 151 59.9 % 20,402,001 0.7 % 5,327,231,061 3
1985 31,775,121 1.4 % 425,910 -145,500 22.4 3.39 141 57.1 % 18,129,033 0.7 % 4,870,921,740 3
1980 29,645,573 1.5 % 426,373 -117,400 21.2 3.61 131 53.5 % 15,858,422 0.7 % 4,458,003,514 3
1975 27,513,709 1.77 % 462,478 -122,500 20.0 4.35 122 50.3 % 13,844,356 0.7 % 4,079,480,606 3
1970 25,201,317 1.84 % 438,291 -158,500 19.5 4.97 112 46.8 % 11,786,109 0.8 % 3,700,437,046 3
1965 23,009,860 2.17 % 468,478 -132,000 19.6 5.49 102 31.3 % 7,194,388 0.8 % 3,339,583,597 3
1960 20,667,471 1.97 % 383,944 -106,100 19.9 5.20 91 40.5 % 8,379,235 0.7 % 3,034,949,748 3
1955 18,747,750 1.88 % 333,570 -101,100 20.2 5.27 83 38.4 % 7,194,388 0.7 % 2,773,019,936 3

Source: The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division provided an in-depth analysis of data in their report titled “World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision” using the medium-fertility variant. 

Caribbean Population Future Forecast

Year Population Annual %
Migrants (net) Median Age Fertility Rate Density (P/Km²) Urban
Pop. %
Urban Population Caribbean’s
Share of
World Pop.
World Population Caribbean
Rank within
Latin America and the Caribbean
2020 43,532,365 0.42 % 182,014 -190,300 31.9 2.20 193 74.1 % 32,250,967 0.6 % 7,794,798,739 3
2025 44,805,881 0.58 % 254,703 -64,600 33.3 2.23 198 76 % 34,068,622 0.6 % 8,184,437,460 3
2030 45,828,880 0.45 % 204,600 -66,000 34.7 2.25 203 78 % 35,729,417 0.6 % 8,548,487,400 3
2035 46,551,266 0.31 % 144,477 -80,500 36.1 2.27 206 79.8 % 37,156,913 0.5 % 8,887,524,213 3
2040 47,069,469 0.22 % 103,641 -70,300 37.4 2.29 208 81.4 % 38,320,569 0.5 % 9,198,847,240 3
2045 47,355,743 0.12 % 57,255 -64,000 38.7 2.32 210 82.8 % 39,200,057 0.5 % 9,481,803,274 3
2050 47,393,618 0.02 % 7,575 -60,600 39.9 2.34 210 84 % 39,823,815 0.5 % 9,735,033,990 3

Source: The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division provided an in-depth analysis of data in their report titled “World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision” using the medium-fertility variant. 

Understanding the Demographics of the Caribbean: Key Terms Explained

The Caribbean region boasts a rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural beauty. With a total population estimated at 43 million, the Caribbean is a diverse and vibrant part of the world. In this article, we’ll explore key definitions and indicators used to understand the population of the Caribbean.


As of July 1, 2019, the estimated total population of the Caribbean was 43 million, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The medium-fertility variant is used for forecasted years in the World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision. The Caribbean’s share of the world population as of July 1 of the year indicated is an important measure to evaluate the region’s demographic significance.

Yearly Annual) % Change

The yearly percentage change for 2019 reflects the percentage change in the total population from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019. For other years, the latest year’s annual percentage change equivalent is calculated through reverse compounding, assuming homogeneous change in the preceding five-year period.

Yearly (Annual) Change

The yearly change in the total population is the absolute change (increase or decrease in the number of people) over the last year, from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019, 2019. For other years, it is the average annual numerical change over the preceding five-year period.

Migrants (net)

Migrants (net) represents the average annual number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants over the preceding five-year period. A negative value indicates that there are more emigrants than immigrants.

Median Age

The median age is the age that divides the population into two equal groups, with half of the population being older and the other half being younger. This parameter provides an indication of the age distribution in the region.

Fertility Rate

The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) expresses the average number of children an average woman will have during her reproductive period (15 to 49 years old). The rate is based on the current fertility rates of every age group in the Caribbean countries, assuming that women are not subject to mortality.

Density (P/Km²)

The population density is the number of people living in a square kilometer (Km²). It provides insight into the spatial distribution of the population in the region.

Urban Pop %

The percentage of the urban population is an important indicator of the level of urbanization in the region. It represents the proportion of the total population living in urban areas.

Urban Population

The urban population refers to people living in areas classified as urban according to the criteria used by each country. It is another key measure of the region’s level of urbanization.

Rank within Latin America and the Caribbean

The Caribbean’s rank within Latin America and the Caribbean is its position in the list of all regions within the area ranked by population, from the highest to the lowest, as of July 1 of the year indicated. This ranking provides context for evaluating the region’s demographic significance within the broader area.

See also

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