Population of Central America 2023

Population of Central America 2023: Facts and Figures

Central America is a subregion of Latin America that comprises seven countries, namely Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. As of November 7, 2022, the current population of Central America stands at 184,539,081, based on the latest estimates from the United Nations.

Central America’s population represents 2.31% of the total world population, making it a significant contributor to the global populace. In Latin America and the Caribbean, Central America ranks second among the subregions ranked by population, with South America taking the lead.

Population Density in Central America

The population density in Central America is 73 per Km2 or 190 people per mi2. With a land area of 2,452,270 Km2 or 946,826 sq. miles, Central America has a relatively low population density compared to other regions. However, this doesn’t undermine the subregion’s significance, considering the diverse cultures and natural resources it holds.

Urban Population in Central America

According to the United Nations estimates of 2019, 77.2 % of the population in Central America lived in urban areas, which translates to 138,767,686 people. This high urbanization rate is attributed to factors such as industrialization, economic growth, and better living standards, leading to rural-urban migration.

Median Age in Central America

The median age in Central America is 28.2 years, which is relatively low compared to other regions worldwide. This can be attributed to several factors, including high birth rates, low life expectancy, and inadequate healthcare systems. However, the subregion has made significant strides in addressing these challenges, with many countries adopting sustainable development goals to improve the health and well-being of their populations.

Countries in Central America

Country Population (2020)
Mexico 128,932,753
Guatemala 17,915,568
Honduras 9,904,607
Nicaragua 6,624,554
El Salvador 6,486,205
Costa Rica 5,094,118
Panama 4,314,767
Belize 397,628

Central America Population in 2020 and it’s Historical

Year Population Annual  %
Migrants (net) Median Age Fertility Rate Density (P/Km²) Urban
Pop. %
Urban Population Central America’s
Share of
World Pop.
World Population Central America
Rank within
Latin America and the Caribbean
2020 179,670,200 1.24 % 2,144,202 -121,200 28.2 2.23 73 77.2 % 138,767,686 2.4 % 7,794,798,739 2
2020 179,670,200 1.17 % 2,083,674 -121,225 26.9 2.36 73 77.2 % 138,767,686 2.3 % 7,794,798,739 2
2019 177,586,526 1.21 % 2,114,739 -121,225 26.9 2.36 72 76.9 % 136,495,379 2.3 % 7,713,468,100  
2018 175,471,787 1.24 % 2,145,016 -121,225 26.9 2.36 72 76.5 % 134,211,645 2.3 % 7,631,091,040 2
2017 173,326,771 1.27 % 2,174,584 -121,225 26.9 2.36 71 76.1 % 131,917,745 2.3 % 7,547,858,925 2
2016 171,152,187 1.3 % 2,202,996 -121,225 26.9 2.36 70 75.7 % 129,614,870 2.3 % 7,464,022,049 2
2015 168,949,191 1.4 % 2,271,574 -164,500 26.6 2.39 69 75.4 % 127,304,303 2.4 % 7,379,797,139 2
2010 157,591,319 1.55 % 2,328,154 -216,200 25.0 2.54 64 73.4 % 115,705,357 2.4 % 6,956,823,603 2
2005 145,950,548 1.52 % 2,125,640 -590,500 23.6 2.81 60 71.4 % 104,263,961 2.4 % 6,541,907,027 2
2000 135,322,350 1.67 % 2,153,722 -624,900 22.1 3.11 55 70.1 % 94,800,624 2.4 % 6,143,493,823 2
1995 124,553,738 1.9 % 2,234,009 -557,400 20.7 3.50 51 68.4 % 85,138,899 2.3 % 5,744,212,979 2
1990 113,383,693 2.08 % 2,217,401 -522,700 19.3 3.99 46 65.8 % 74,614,825 2.3 % 5,327,231,061 2
1985 102,296,688 2.35 % 2,240,861 -391,800 18.3 4.60 42 63.5 % 64,973,333 2.3 % 4,870,921,740 2
1980 91,092,382 2.6 % 2,192,663 -359,200 17.4 5.44 37 61.3 % 55,870,190 2.2 % 4,458,003,514 2
1975 80,129,069 2.92 % 2,145,723 -248,600 16.9 6.27 33 58 % 46,484,880 2.2 % 4,079,480,606 2
1970 69,400,453 3.08 % 1,955,508 -153,900 16.7 6.68 28 54.1 % 37,570,564 2.1 % 3,700,437,046 2
1965 59,622,915 3.13 % 1,701,276 -98,600 16.8 6.76 24 31.6 % 18,863,054 2.0 % 3,339,583,597 2
1960 51,116,534 3.11 % 1,451,453 -73,300 17.2 6.82 21 46.7 % 23,884,391 1.8 % 3,034,949,748 2
1955 43,859,267 2.92 % 1,176,751 -64,400 17.8 6.77 18 43 % 18,863,054 1.7 % 2,773,019,936 2

Source: The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division provided an in-depth analysis of data in their report titled “World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision” using the medium-fertility variant. 

Central America Population Future Forecast

Year Population Annual  %
Migrants (net) Median Age Fertility Rate Density (P/Km²) Urban
Pop. %
Urban Population Central America’s
Share of
World Pop.
World Population Central America
Rank within
Latin America and the Caribbean
2020 179,670,200 1.24 % 2,144,202 -121,200 28.2 2.23 73 77.2 % 138,767,686 2.4 % 7,794,798,739 2
2025 189,580,526 1.08 % 1,982,065 -106,900 29.8 2.24 77 79.1 % 149,898,134 2.4 % 8,184,437,460 2
2030 198,571,322 0.93 % 1,798,159 -90,200 31.6 2.25 81 80.8 % 160,492,657 2.4 % 8,548,487,400 2
2035 206,587,982 0.79 % 1,603,332 -90,100 33.3 2.25 84 82.5 % 170,367,938 2.3 % 8,887,524,213 2
2040 213,441,466 0.65 % 1,370,697 -87,100 35.1 2.26 87 84.1 % 179,413,670 2.4 % 9,198,847,240 2
2045 219,101,877 0.52 % 1,132,082 -87,500 36.7 2.26 89 85.6 % 187,530,840 2.4 % 9,481,803,274 2
2050 223,566,851 0.4 % 892,995 -87,400 38.3 2.27 91 87.1 % 194,627,365 2.4 % 9,735,033,990 2

Source: The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division provided an in-depth analysis of data in their report titled “World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision” using the medium-fertility variant. 

Understanding the Demographics of Central America: Key Terms Explained

As of July 1, the total population of Central America, which includes Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama, was estimated by the United Nations to be approximately 177 million people. In this article, we’ll define and explain some of the key indicators used to understand Central America’s population dynamics.

Population Density and Urbanization

Population density is a measure of the number of people living in a given area. Central America’s population density is estimated to be around 148 people per square kilometer, with significant variation across countries. Urbanization, or the percentage of the population living in urban areas, is another important indicator. As of 2019, approximately 59% of Central America’s population lived in urban areas.

Fertility and Median Age

The total fertility rate (TFR) measures the number of children that an average woman in Central America is expected to have during her reproductive years. The TFR for Central America is 2.1, slightly above the replacement level of 2.0, which is the rate at which a population replaces itself from one generation to the next without migration. The median age, which divides the population into two numerically equal groups, is estimated to be around 27 years in Central America.

Net Migration and Rank within Latin America and the Caribbean

Net migration measures the difference between the number of people immigrating to a country and the number of people emigrating from it. Central America’s net migration is negative, meaning that more people are leaving the region than coming in. As of July 1, 2021, Central America accounted for approximately 2.3% of the world’s population, with the highest percentage of the population in Panama and the lowest in Belize. Within Latin America and the Caribbean, Central America ranks fourth in terms of population, following Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia.

See also

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